The Centre for Excellence in Entrepreneurship and Development is an action-oriented research and policy advocacy think tank dedicated to fostering a thriving entrepreneurial environment in India. Our focus lies in conducting research and advocating for policy reforms to accelerate the growth of entrepreneurship within the country’s ecosystem.

The deAsra Centre of Excellence in Nano Entrepreneurship, established within CEED, focuses specifically on strengthening the nano entrepreneurship ecosystem in India. It aims to conduct research, curate information, and partner with nano entrepreneurship enablers.

The combined objectives of CEED and the deAsra Centre of Excellence in Nano Entrepreneurship are



research to identify key factors that enable the growth of entrepreneurship in India, including
research solutions for the formalizing and scaling of nano enterprises in India.



the public about challenges and find solutions to foster inclusive entrepreneurship and democratise insight, through informative media, podcasts, workshops, and social media.



in the process of public policymaking by designing solutions aimed at removing obstacles and
stimulating the growth of entrepreneurship.



a supportive ecosystem to nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship to strengthen livelihood creation
for inclusive economic growth.

CEED Speaks

Call for Research collaborations

CEED encourages individual researchers, academic institutions, NGOs, and think-tanks to
collaborate with us for:

1. Studies on domestic and international policies related to entrepreneurship
2. Monitoring and evaluation of government interventions and schemes
3. Knowledge-sharing through podcasts and short films
4. Joint workshops, seminars, and conferences

To read detailed terms and conditions, Click Here

CEED in the News

India's MSME universe in numbers

Micro, small and medium enterprises contribute 30% to India’s GDP.

111 million

people are employed by MSMEs in India, only 24% of which are women.


Of the total registered MSMEs on the Udyam Registration portal, as of 30th September 2021, are microenterprises.


of the total exports by the MSME sector in 2021 were by micro enterprises.


of proprietary MSMEs in India—that is, only a fifth—are owned by women.

Sources: National Statistical Office, Ministry of MSMEs, CRISIL, PayPal